Friday, January 27, 2012

Unitards - Movie Review

I took my friend Jessica with me to the premier of the new movie Unitards on Wednesday night. She was skeptical but agreed to go because she really needed a night out (a night that included sushi before and ice cream after the movie). I must admit that I was a bit leery too, after all the movie was about dancing teenage boys.

We got our popcorn and settled into seats next to the give-away winner Shilo and her husband.

Louis, the main character, has just won an election as a student body officer. As the president of the men's association, the vice principal gives Louis a charge to find some way to bring school spirit back to the lackluster students of Skyline High. Louis finally decides to create an all-male dance ensemble.

Silly. Right?

But dang, if it wasn't funny. I couldn't help but chuckle. The characters were so likable and young (Louis sports the exact same haircut as my 10 year old). Even though no one is going to win an Oscar for best actor, the guys were completely believable. In fact, the kids in the movie reminded me A LOT of my brother Nick and his friends from high school who learned to tap dance for the school musical. And even though they were pretty dorky, they were always surrounded by cute girls. Imagine that.

I thought it was interesting that much of the laughter in the theater came from the older "grown-up" crowd. Perhaps the subtle humor was lost on the teenagers who are still taking themselves too seriously.

Jessica and I were both won over by this "feel good" movie based on a true story. She plans to take her pre-teen daughters back to see the movie. Best of all, she won't have to worry about letting her kids see it. It is completely clean of vulgar language and sexual innuendo and all the other garbage that regularly fills movies these days.

Unitards opens at theaters all over Utah tonight. Go check it out with your family.

** I did receive free tickets to the movie in exchange for my honest review. No other compensation was received.

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