There was something new and exciting in the last catalog that arrived. DownEast Home & Clothing is now offering some of their fabulous home accessories and decor online! Now many of those beautiful items that we love in the stores can be purchased by people who don't live in the Utah and Idaho area and me (since I rarely leave my house).

You can also find fun and exciting information about DownEast Basics on their own blog:
DownEast Home & Clothing is also sponsoring a give-away of a $25 gift card for use either online or in stores (the winner can pick) to one winner.
It's easy to enter just do the following steps:
1. Follow DownEast Home & Clothing on Facebook or Twitter and then come back and comment on this post.
By the way, it's awesome to be a friend of DownEast on Facebook--you'll get all the updates on sales, promotions and new products.
Link to Facebook:
Link to Twitter:
2. Tell your friends about this give-away on your blog or on Facebook and get another chance. Just leave a second comment on this post.
3. Be a follower of Utah Mom's Life blog. You know you want to anyway.
The contest will be opened to entries until next Thursday, March 17th at 11:59 pm MST. The contest is open only to residents of the US. The winner will be chosen randonly from the comments and announced on Friday, March 18, 2011 on this blog.
I want to win! I followed them on Facebook and Twitter! I love DownEast. It was easy to do!
I wrote about the post on Facebook! 2nd entry!
And I'm a follower! 3rd entry!
Hi. I found you on blogfrog!
I follow DownEast Home & Clothing on facebook - I'm victoria liester on fb.
flophasit at yahoo dot com
Thank you for the chance to enter!
Shared on facebook:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=183684068342212&id=100001765210288
flophasit at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog via gfc - I'm victoria99
flophasit at yahoo dot com
entry 1
Okay I liked Down East on FB
I fb about your blog:)
I'm a follower of DownEast home on Facebook! :)
I'm a follower of Utah Mom's Life!
Totally following now! I love what you write!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Playing It Cooley
I posted about your giveaway on Facebook.
I'm a follower of DownEast Home on facebook.
Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
I'm a follower of Utah Mom's Life.
Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
I told my friends about your giveaway on facebook.
Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
I follow DownEast Home on Facebook!!
I shared this link on Facebook!
I am a follower of Utahmom!! =)
I am already a follower of Utah Mom :)
I hoisted an anchor to your giveaway on facebook (I have my language as English-Pirate, if you can't tell!)
I saw their new offerings in an email and as I am far away from their Utah stores would love to win!
And now I am a blog follower, I was just a reader before today!
I'm a follower!
Blogged about it!
I'm a follower, I like them on facebook, I posted the giveaway on facebook! Please pick me!!!!!
follower! like them on FB!
follower, like them on FB!
I like/follow them on facebook!
i like/follow you on facebook!
and i shared your blog/post on facebook. fun giveaway!
I follow your blog!
I "like" DownEast on FB!
I posted about it on FB!
I liked downeast on fb. you can choose me!
I'm a follower! And my house is oh, so drab. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
Ooh...great giveaway! I love DownEast! I "like" them on FB :)
Of course I love Downeast! I follow them on FB and twitter!
I shared the giveaway on FB!
I'm a "Utah Mom's Life" follower
I posted about it on FB.
I "liked" them on Facebook!
I wrote about it on Facebook!
I've always been a follower of Utah Mom in many ways! :)
I would love to win!
I "liked" downeast on facebook!
I am a follower of Utah Mom's Life!
The Nicholas one was me too, I didn't realize he was signed in.
I liked them on Facebook
I'm a follower!
I follow on FB
And now I follow you!
I'm a follower!
jgcain at live dot com
I like them on facebook!
jgcain at live dot com
Liked them on facebook!
And I'm your newest follower. Thanks!
I like DEH on FB.
I follow DownEast on facebook. lauwil07(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow Down East Home on fb
I follow down east home on twitter
I follow your blog via gfc
I shared this giveaway link on fb
follow downeast on FB
follow downeast on twitter @erobison09
follow you on GFC
I follow downeast on facebook!
Told my friends on facebook about the giveaway!
I became a follower of your blog!
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