Last Saturday evening, Utah Dad and I were privileged to attend Mitt Romney's No Apology: the Case for American Greatness
book tour speech in Salt Lake City as guests of Senator Bob Bennett. We got dressed up, left the kids with Utah Dad's parents and headed downtown. Since our regular date nights generally include putting the kids to bed, cooking up some steaks and watching a movie together, this was sort of a big deal for us. What could be better than listening to Mitt Romney? He's brilliant. He knows the global economy and foreign and domestic policy in details that I can't begin to fathom. Yet, he spoke clearly and wisely on foreign policy, health care, the budget and a host of other pertinent topics so that the audience could understand and also have a deeper grasp of the importance of these for our nation. Romney is experienced in the real world. He saved businesses and the 2002 Olympics and then he got into politics. Romney is a true patriot. He loves the United States of America. He recognizes and makes "no apologies" for her greatness and recognizes her potential for more greatness. I'm anxious to read his book. I started it this morning and I'm impressed so far.
A few quick observations that I made during the evening:
1. Republicans look a like. Generally. People watching at a republican event is not nearly as interesting or amusing as an afternoon of people watching at the state fair, the mall, or a Democratic convention.
2. There were a lot of younger "kids" and the usual crowd of "mature" people but I didn't notice many 30-somethings in the crowd. One commenter during Bennett's reception said that the "Generation X stood for nothing". I think in Utah, we're generally busy with our families and feel that we don't have time for politics. It isn't that we don't care. But we need to make time. We need to get involved before the 20-somethings steer us into more disasters. Your neighborhood Republican caucuses are coming up on Tuesday, March 23rd. If you live in Utah County you can find out where you should meet and when by clicking here. If you live in other counties in Utah, find out by checking your county's Republican website. Be sure to attend and let your voice be heard.
3. Clearly, Mitt Romney would make an amazing president of the United States. If he decides to run in 2012, he has my vote.
4. Utah needs Senator Bob Bennett in the Senate. Antsy, angry people who listen to out-of-state propaganda will be hurting themselves and the rest of us if they elect any of the other inexperienced candidates instead of Bennett. Senator Bennett has the clout and the record to prove that he is not only the conservative choice but also the best choice to lead the fight against Obama and the socialist movement. Bennett is fighting to save ATK Thiokol and Utah jobs. He's fighting to keep Obama from grabbing more energy-rich Utah land as National Monuments. Like Romney, Bennett is experienced. He was a successful businessman in the private sector before serving in politics. Besides all that, Utah Dad and I have known him personally since we were first married. Senator Bennett is a good, humble man who loves the United States of America and Utah.
After Romney's initial speech we joined Bennett and Romney for dessert and another speech in behalf of Bennett's campaign.
I borrowed my father-in-law's camera so that I wouldn't have to lug my huge camera for the evening. Unfortunately the quality isn't good and we were so close that I didn't feel right about using the flash in the picture below. It's blurry, but you get the picture--Mitt Romney supports Bob Bennett.
Good article. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about these men. After seeing so much Bennett-bashing on facebook I talked with my brother who is very politically minded and a democrat about Bennett's health care ideas. He said all the hoopla about Bennett and Obama's healthcare plans being the same is simply not true.
Sounds pretty cool! Thanks for the reminder about the caucus meetings.
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