Friday, February 15, 2019

Well Hello There

Hi. Hello. Is anyone still there?

I've been absent from the blog for awhile. Obviously. 

A quick summary of what we've been up to :

1. In August 2018, my husband accepted a position at a university in New Hampshire. So we gave away and threw away a lot of stuff and loaded what was left in a Penske truck and drove across the country.

2. We fell in love with New Hampshire again. Rand and I lived near the seacoast region for three years right after college. We're in the Monadnock region now. It's so beautiful and charming and really really expensive.

3. The kids are adjusting.

4. In the middle of December I got sick. I thought it was the flu. Rand finally made me go to the hospital. I had kidney stones that had gotten lodged. I had a kidney infection and then sepsis. It was a pretty miserable Christmas season. 

5. Our seventeen year old son went back to Utah in January to start school at the University of Utah. It's a weird adjustment having him off on his new adventure.

6. I went to Utah with him and when I came home, I was sick again. I spent most of January battling sepsis and then finally having surgery to get the stones removed and the stent out.

7. February has been cold and lovely and I'm feeling so so much better and ready to jump back into the book blogging world (does it still exist? I guess I will find out.)

8. Watch for lots of changes on the blog. It needs a lot of updating. Hopefully I can convince you all to come visit me in my lovely New Hampshire.


Jessica McCann said...

I'm still here! Sounds like you have been through a lot -- both good and bad. So happy to hear you are feeling better. Your book reviews have always been helpful and a joy to read. I look forward to hearing more from you!

Anonymous said...

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad you're back! Can't wait to see the changes!

Kami said...

I'm here!

Anonymous said...

Love you! Glad you are starting to feel better.