Monday, September 20, 2010

CSN Stores Give-away!!!

I'm not much of a shopper. Hate it, actually. When I need to buy something I must have lots of information and I rarely make spontaneous purchases. I have to do my research, especially if I think I can buy the item cheaper somewhere else.

With my aversion to shopping, combined with the distance my house is from any stores, obviously I do the majority of my shopping online. I buy everything from books (of course) to dog houses online. I can find an item that I'm interested in, research it, think about it, come back several days later and order it. And I love when the FedEx or UPS truck stops in front of my house and I hear that fantastic sound of the box landing on my front porch. Ahhh!

Recently, as I've been looking for ways to update my blah family room, I've been checking out the end tables at CSN Stores. Wow! They have a fabulous selection. Have you heard about CSN Stores? If you haven't and you like to shop online, you really need to check them out. They sell everything from furniture to baby gear to pet supplies and almost everything in between. You'll be hooked.

CSN Stores is offering a $40 gift certificate to one of my lucky followers. I don't know anyone who couldn't use that!

Here's the basic rules:

1. You must live in the US or Canada.
2. You must be a follower of Utah Mom's Life Blog. If you're not one already--become one. It's easy. Leave a comment.

For additional chances to win, do one or both of the following:

1. Blog about this give-away on your blog or post about it on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Leave a comment.
2. Check out CSN Stores. Come back to this post and leave a comment about what you would buy with the $40 gift certificate if you were to win.

The give-away will be open to entries until 11:59 pm MST on Thursday, September 23rd. The winner will be chosen using the random number generator and will be announced some time on Friday, September 24th when I wake up.

Good luck!

P.S. Happy 14th anniversary to Utah Dad.
 I love you!


Katie Stoddart said...

I am a follower!

Katie Stoddart said...

I posted a comment on facebook!!

Everett said...

Sounds like a cool Website Cindy! Thanks for the heads up.

Tara L. said...

I follow! How fun!

Kerri said...


Anonymous said...

I'm a follower. :)

Jen said...

I am a follower :) I really want to win!

Jen said...

I would buy some bakeware, I think. Too many choices, but I am always in need of kitchen stuff.

Kaizen Fashion Project said...


heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...


heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...


heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

I would use it towards the 'Georgia Boot Youth Romeo in Brown Soggy', my kiddos needs new shoes!

heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Melissa said...

I'm a follower. :)

Annika said...

I am a follower!

Annika said...

blogged about it! And if I don't win.....I know where you live :)

budandlissa said...

I'm a follower!

budandlissa said...

I blogged about it and I posted it on facebook!

budandlissa said...

I'm not sure what I'd use it for, there are too many choices. Currently it's a toss-up between new cookware (either in red or orange) or or a high chair (either Kristi G Go and Grow chair or Fisher Price space saver chair). I need them both, so I hope I win!!

Candice said...

I'm a follower!

Candice said...


Candice said...

I would probably buy a big mirror or clock, or something decorative. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

Anonymous said...

I am now a GFC follower
floatingonabiscuit at

Anonymous said...

I would get the Cosco Deluxe Comfort Ride Stroller in Wild Adventure

Heather said...

I'm a follower!

Heather said...

I think the kids might like a cozy coupe

Ashley said...

I would get a new comforter.

hewella1 at gmail dot com

Katie Stoddart said...

I checked out the website and there are so many things that I could use to help with my new home!! Way too many to list!!

thatlittlehouse said...

I'm a follower on gfc

nblexp at gmail dot com

thatlittlehouse said...

I would get the Rowenta Auto-Steam Iron

nblexp at gmail dot com

Catey said...

I am a follower

Catey said...

I would get a bag. They have entirely too many cute purses and tote bags!

meeyeehere said...

I am a new follower. You have a lovely bunch of children!!!

meeyeehere said...

I would buy a little tikes police car for my little boy if I won!!!
have a beautiful and happy week. Take care.Thanks

Cassie said...

Awesome giveaway...count me in! I'm a follower!

TruthHole said...

I follow you

TruthHole said...

I would buy blank cds

Marie said...

I am a follower!

Krista Neil said...

I'm a new follower, they have great stuff, I got lost in bedding, would love a new bedding set :) sunnykat82(at)hotmail(dot)com