Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Family Pictures

Not the very most successful experience but better than nothing.
I didn't turn into a raving lunatic but I didn't win the "Nicest Mother in the World" award either.
Neal reminded me 18 million times that I should have waited until next month when his braces come off.
Having one kid in kindergarten this year and one kid going to kindergarten next year means that I get lots of "kindergarten camera smiles". 
Or no smiles.
A three year old girl has strong opinions.
At least we now have a family picture that includes Lilly and Molly.


  1. What a sweet looking family. Cute kids always manage to look cute, even when they are trying so hard not too.

  2. Love them!
    I was so excited to see that you finally got some!

  3. Cute, cute, cute! I love your shirt and necklace. We miss you guys.

  4. They turned out great! We don't have a picture with our youngest in it either.

  5. Cute kids always manage to look cute and they look sweet:)
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