Saturday, May 21, 2011

Waging War

I apologize for being so grouchy lately.
Since it finally stopped raining for a day,
I'm going to take out all my frustrations
on the dandelions in my front yard.
Wish me luck.
I hope I win this war.

By the way, these pictures were NOT taken in my yard.
Thankfully, my yard is not this bad--yet.
I took the pictures down the street at an unoccupied home.
Lovely isn't it.


  1. A lot of the houses on my street are like that too. It drives me nuts. Some of them are unoccupied but others just don't care what their yard looks like.

    I'll tell you something I started using on my yard last year that has just made the most incredible difference in the amount of dandelions/weeds we get: Trimec!

    Get it from IFA (you can get it in a pellet fertilizer/weedkiller, hose spray solution, or spot sprayer) and put it on your lawn. It takes about 3-4 weeks to totally kill the weeds but the wait is definitely worth it! After I put it down last year we got only a couple more the whole rest of the year. (That's why I got the spot sprayer, to get any pesky weeds that escaped it.)

    You should try it! I love it!

  2. Beautiful photos!
    I just found your blog through Twitter! Your kids are so cute! You are living in Utah? That is awesome! I served a Mission on T. Square. :o)

    I just read your post about hypno birthing. Very interesting!
    I´m a new follower!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. I admit to breathing a sign of relief when I read your note that THIS wasn't your yard. :)

  4. I'm so glad you mentioned that the lawn wasn't yours .... I was worried about the level of war you were getting into :)

  5. I love these pictures! There beautiful. I think dandelions are some of the most fun things to take pictures of. I almost don't want to deweed my yard just so I always have something to photograph.
