Friday, May 6, 2011

Featured . . .

It's been a fun week in the blogger world for me. I feel a little overwhelmed. I was interviewed for an article that should show up sometime this weekend in The Salt Lake Tribune. I'm guessing on Sunday. The newspaper sent a photographer yesterday and I scrambled to make myself, the house and the little girls presentable.

Before the photographer arrived, Lilly whispered to me, "I have a funny feeling in my tummy." "Me too," I replied. I hate getting my picture taken. I am just so not photogenic so I really really hope they are kind to me.

Wanting to get a realistic picture, the photographer asked me what we would normally be doing on a Thursday morning at 10 am. "Well," I answered, "we might be reading books or playing games. I should be folding the five baskets of clean laundry that I stashed in the closet before you arrived." He laughed and said that he had seen a lot of freshly vacuumed houses. Oh ya. We totally ran the vacuum all over before he arrived. I took piles of paper work off my desk and hid it in my bedroom. I didn't get to sweep the kitchen floor but I kept him out of there. I am certainly not a food blogger. No business in the kitchen.

It wasn't too painful. Now I'm just anxious and a little nervous to read the article. Be kind. Be kind.

I'm also featured briefly today on a darling blog : What Dee Dee Wants and her one question interview about the best advice from my mom. Check out her blog. It's stylish and fun.


  1. Wahooooo ... congratulations!

  2. You'll have to post a link to the article when it's out!

  3. Can't wait to see this article! I would hate a photo shoot, too. But I'm sure it will turn out great. Fun stuff!

  4. Hi Cindi,
    It was fun to read about you and see your pictures. My house was a complete mess and smelled a bit of a dirty diapers when the photographer came. I immediately said, "Can we go outside?" He still wanted to come in and take a picture. Luckily, the indoor photo only shows my couch. :)
