Monday, May 2, 2011

Baptism Day

Amberly's baptism was scheduled bright and early at 9 am on Saturday morning. It was snowing, of course. It also snowed the day that she was blessed as a baby. We told her that it will probably snow on her wedding day too.

Amberly was baptized and then confirmed by Utah Dad. It was such a very special time. Amberly was glowing--she was so excited and so anxious. She has a very strong testimony of Jesus Christ and his gospel. She loves reading her scriptures and singing the hymns. I'm so very thankful to be her mother. She is a very very special girl.

  • I'm thankful that Utah Dad is worthy and holds the Priesthood so that he could perform these ordinances for our special daughter.
  • I'm thankful that my mom gave the talk on baptism.
  • I'm thankful for my sister who played the piano for the prelude and the hymns.
  • I'm thankful that my niece was willing to say the closing prayer even though we forgot to tell her that she was on the program.
  • I'm thankful for all our family members who traveled so far so early.
  • I'm thankful that my sister and her family left home extra early so they could bring my grandma.
  • I'm thankful for the members of the ward and stake who organize the stake baptisms each month. They did a fabulous job.
  • I'm thankful that the bishopric member forced me to share my testimony during the baptism instead of during Sacrament Meeting the next day.

  • I'm thankful that my house is still standing after we hosted a brunch following the baptism.
  • I'm thankful that everyone was patient and waited around for a long time for the potato casseroles to cook.
  • I'm thankful to Stacey from Stacey's Mothering Moments who sent me the recipe for Acini De Pepe Salad. It was delicious!
  • I'm thankful that even though two of my brothers and their families couldn't join us because of sickness, they are all feeling better now. (I'm also thankful that they didn't share the germs with us.)
  • I'm thankful that everyone was understanding when I skipped out early to go with my niece to the Salt Lake City Library Book Sale. (I scored some books that have been on my wish list for years. I spent $12 and came home with 17 books.) By the way, it's half price at the book sale today.
I'm especially thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ and for his gospel. I'm thankful for eternal families. I'm thankful for my dear, good husband and for my very sweet and beautiful little girl.


  1. She was still glowing on Sunday! So sweet and so precious! I loved her testimony! All the kids getting baptized recently makes me very excited for Hyrum's coming up this fall!

  2. She looks so cute! Just had the baptism of my youngest child on April 9th. Eight is so young and so grown up at the same time. Congrats!
    Follower in Springville.

  3. Congrats -- such an incredible day! Buddy just got baptized last year, and it was incredible to see him in white and picture him in white again when he is 19, and again when he gets married.

  4. She looks absolutely beautiful in that dress! What a sweetheart! COngrats!

  5. I'm so glad you liked the salad. It sounds like it was a wonderful and beautiful day. Congrats to your sweet daughter!

  6. Yeay Amberly!! Congratulations!!
