Monday, April 4, 2011

Faith - Book Review

Art, a Catholic priest in South Boston is just one of the many accused of molesting a young boy. This priest, like the others, has a family--mother, step-father, brother, sister, nephews and cousins. His sister Sheila tells the story of how the accusation effects the entire family and her own search to understand and forgive her older brother. She wants desperately to believe in his innocence and is frustrated by his unwillingness to defend himself.

I read Faith by Jennifer Haigh with my heart in my throat. With each page, I read with the constant fear that Sheila would uncover the evidence to convict her brother of these horrible crimes against an innocent boy. Haigh writes with an honesty and skill that creates a story that is overhwelmingly real, frightening and yet ultimately redemptive. There are no missteps in this novel. Haigh has mastered her craft.

Haigh creates memorable and believable characters--from the priest to his alleged victim and all their relatives--that are well developed and complex while being completely realistic. Haigh treats them each with dignity as she uncovers their pasts, fears, sins and desires.

Faith is ultimately an emotional and beautiful, though harrowing, journey about the human desire to find love and companionship.

While I loved this novel, I didn't enjoy the crude language throughout. However, I am willing to concede that some of the characters would very likely/almost definitely speak that way (I did live in the Northeast for three years).

I received a complimentary copy of Faith through the Amazon Vine program in exchange for my honest opinion and I received no additional compensation.


  1. Thanks for the review. I would have not come across this book otherwise, I might want to read it. But my pile is kind of high right now!

  2. I've picked Faith for my book club meeting in November. I've started it and am liking it so far. I'm hoping that it'll prompt some good discussion.
