Monday, December 20, 2010

Winners of Massage Envy Give-away

Wow! I am surprised by the excitement this give-away generated. We must all be a tense, stressed-out group of ladies in desperate need of a massage. I am really excited to announce the winners this morning. It feels a little like Christmas.

As I described in the original rules, the first four winners were chosen randomly using the random number generator from the comments (extra comments by the same person were thrown out) and they had to be followers of Utah Mom's Life Blog.

The winners of the first four one hour massage gift cards to Massage Envy are (drum roll, please):

Adam and Brynn

The contest for the final gift card was to be awarded to the person who sent the most referrals to Utah Mom's Life and had their name mentioned in the most comments. This competition was fierce and for awhile was very close between Jen Johnson (who also writes Baby Blvd. Blog) and Marion. But Marion pulled ahead and even if we throw out the anonymous comments, she is definitely the winner.

Congratulations to Marion, who is the winner of the fifth and final gift card for a one hour massage at Massage Envy.

I hope everyone is able to find some time to relax this holiday season.

Winners: please email me with your contact information so that you can receive your prize.


  1. Congrats everyone! That was a very fun giveaway :)

  2. Congrats to all the winners! Especially me! LOL

  3. Me, Laurie?? YAHOO!! Congrats to all for sure!! All of u

  4. What a fun giveaway. Congratulations to all of the winners, and Merry Christmas!
