Monday, December 6, 2010

Build-A-Bear Service and Give-Away

Saturday morning, Amberly, Lilly and I woke very early to drive to Salt Lake City. After stopping for a bagel at Paradise Bakery and Cafe, we went over to the Build-A-Bear Workshop in the Gateway Mall.

We participated with other Mommy Bloggers and their children to help stuff bears for donation to the Marine Corps' Toys for Tots Program at a Holiday Giving Gathering.

Brooke Robison, a Build-A-Bear Huggable Hero, spoke to us about service and ways that we can serve our community this holiday season. She suggested several ideas such as hold a bake sale and donate the proceeds to a charity or make handmade ornaments with the residents of a nursing home.

With the help of the very friendly staff of Build-A-Bear, we stuffed some bears with love and hoped that they would find children who needed them and would love them this Christmas season.

 My girls were too shy to pose for pictures with the bear or the Marine, but they were willing to snuggle with their furry friends. The bears were so adorable.

Build-A-Bear sponsors many service activities during the year. They also donate a percentage of the sales from several of their stuffed animals to charities.

They're so generous that they're also offering a
$25 gift certificate to Build-A-Bear for one of my lucky followers.

To enter:
You must be a follower.
So, become a follower, if you're not already one.

1. Leave a comment on this post. What can you do to serve in your community this season?
2. For an extra chance to win, link to this give-away on your blog or Facebook. Leave a comment on this post telling me what you did.

This give-away will be open to entries until Thursday, December 9th at 11:59 p.m.
The winner will be announced on Friday, December 10th.
This contest is open to residents of the US only.


  1. I always love choosing angels from the angel tree, but just helping a neighbor by shoveling or babysitting a friend or neighbor's kids while they go Christmas shopping is high on the list too!

  2. Posted about the giveaway on Facebook!

  3. hmm. We usually do the 12 days of Christmas... I also volunteer and help with my school choir.

  4. How fun! We cleaned out the closet and took gently used items to DI. This week we are taking some new toys to donate to Toys for Tots.

  5. My family has donated activity books and other items to Primary Children's Hospital LDS chapel this year. And we will be donating many items to charities.

  6. My mom usually finds some sort of something for us to donate to. This year we will be helping with some missionary packets that go to missionaries from poor families who don't get anything for Christmas and sometimes can't even call home as the parents don't own a phone...

  7. Fun giveaway! I always like to donate to whatever I can every Christmas. Our ward is doing a little sub for santa and my son's school is taking food donations. I just hope to be able to make someone's Christmas a little better this year :)

  8. Helping out with a local Sub for Santa activity this weekend! :) Very excited to see it all come together.

  9. We love doing the Sub for Santa or Angel tree for someone. My kids LOVE leaving things on people's doorsteps. They ask when they can do that more than they do their own presents.
    I agree with Heidi though, that the simple acts of kindness are the best things we can do!

  10. I'm so excited for this give-away!!! This year, I am volunteering at the Food Bank in Downtown SLC. I am going with several youth in our area. I think it will be a great experience for me and them.

  11. New follower here. Thanks for the contest op!

    I grew up with Christmas time being the recycle time. We go through our stuffed animals and toys and get rid of those we don't play with much and are still in good shape. Being the oldest of 8, that is a lot of toys and animals. Now being a mom of 2 ( baby three due honestly any day now, today, tomorrow, soon as he makes an appearance :) ) we are already accumulating more than are share so have started it with my kiddles too. It is amazing the generosity of kids, they have their favorites but had no problem making a HUGE pile to donate.

    Love this time of year when charity is abound.


  12. I just facebooked it :) SO thanks for the extra op to win!


  13. I'm a follower and posting to my fb:0) My kids love build-a-bear! There is our local hearts for the holidays, which we always do, as well as a local sub-for-santa project.

  14. Wow! So I didn't realize I wasn't a follower of your blog! But I am now. :0) I've just been "following" via facebook. I just sent all my change to school with my boy this morning for the service holiday project they are doing. I like involving my kids so they get excited about helping others. We also enjoy leaving things on doorsteps secret-like. This year I helped someone buy presents for their 2 boys. My kids have A TON and will definitely get SOMETHING. No big deal if they get a little less so someone else for sure gets something too.

  15. I love donating to Hearts for the Holidays. It was especially fun this year to do it as a family.

  16. This year we donated to Hearts for the Holidays, a community project to help those in need, and we also love sending around goodies to our neighbors to let them know we love them.
    I think we can also just be happy and patient everywhere we go. Christmas is a hard season on a lot of people and stores, the nicer we are, the nicer their holidays will be.

  17. I help people at Christmas time is by spreading the Christmas spirit through music. Every year I help my mother do a Christmas Concert with the Saratoga Shores Choir.

  18. Pick me! You know I have led a life of service - this year I am handing out chocolates at the airport!

  19. We have helped with our Hearts for the Holidays, plus we will be doing something for the Toys for Tots program. We also make goodies every year and leave them on peoples doorsteps! My kids love doing this random act of kindness!

  20. I just added this link to my FB profile. Thanks!
