Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I'm Thankful For . . .

One month I forgot my visiting teachers were coming and I was still in my robe when they arrived (it was before noon, so it's likely to happen here). They didn't care. We sat together and had a great discussion and a lesson.

I actually remembered that my visiting teachers were coming today. I glanced at the clock in my boys' room and saw that it was ten minutes to eleven. They would be here any minute. I was already dressed. I told Utah Dad they were coming at eleven and he reminded me that I hadn't changed the boys' clock yet--it was just ten. I still had an hour. Then, right at ten the doorbell rang. One of my visiting teachers "M" and her two darling children were on my doorstep. I welcomed her inside, we laughed that we had messed up the time. I was sure that "J" had emailed me that they would be coming at eleven.

M and I sat upstairs in the loft (it's too cold downstairs now) to visit while our children played and waited for "J" to come in an hour. We always have plenty to talk about. We talked and talked and then when my children started complaining about being hungry, I discovered that it was now noon. I knew "J" wouldn't have forgotten. She's very reliable and she set up the appointment. "M" gathered up her own hungry/tired children and she got ready to go home. While I was saying goodbye to "M" we saw "J" crossing the street with her children. Hadn't I read her email (I had responded after all) that changed the time to 12:30? I know I read the email but apparently my brain didn't actually process the time change. "J"'s children ran upstairs to play with my kids who were delighted to have more friends to play with and then "J" and I sat upstairs in the loft (it really is way too cold downstairs) and visited. We always have plenty to talk about.

I adore my visiting teachers. They come every month. They watch my kids if I'm in a pinch. They bring me dinner on Mother's Day. They plan and share thoughtful lessons. They are genuinely concerned about me and my family. They are also my very good friends. I don't really deserve them since I am no where near as good at visiting teaching--although I am trying to improve.

Today, I am very grateful for two fabulous visiting teachers.

They're both cute too and (haha!) I have pictures of them to share because I've had the privilege to photograph them too. :)