Monday, November 15, 2010

. . . Featuring Norah Jones - Review

Norah Jones's newest CD release  . . . Featuring will be available in stores tomorrow--November 16th. I received a copy to review last week and have listened to it several times since then (it's playing right now). I'm a fan of Norah Jones. I like her sultry smooth voice and her warm style. This CD is a unique compilation of Norah's collaborations with other artists over the last ten years. The songs are very comprehensive and inclusive and she works with a wide range of artists in various music styles from Willie Nelson to Q-tip.

Because of the diversity, I liked some songs more than others. For instance, I really liked the duets with Ray Charles, Willie Nelson and others. While I didn't like the song with Outkast. It's simply a matter of musical preference. Overall, the CD is good and shows the full spectrum and diversity of Norah Jones's musical talent. It's a cool collection.

**This review if my honest opinion. I received a copy of the CD from One2One Network. For posting my opinion of this CD, I am entered to win one of five $50 gift cards.**

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