Monday, October 25, 2010

Christmas Cards - Check

I know that we haven't even gotten to Halloween yet and it might seem a little early to bring up Christmas. Last year, I let the season slip away and I didn't get Christmas cards sent out to my dear far-away friends and family and I didn't even take gifts to my dear neighbors. I'm determined to fix that this year, so I've got to get busy and start checking things off my Christmas to do list--NOW. (Don't remind me that three of my children don't have their Halloween costumes yet. Can we just skip Halloween this year?)

This year, I'm planning to create and order my Christmas cards from Shutterfly--early. I just spent some time this morning perusing their designs and I am so impressed. They are beautiful and stylish. I love cards that include family pictures--especially from my friends that live far away. I don't get to see their children on a regular basis and I'm always amazed how much they grow up and change each year.

Shutterfly has so many picture card options for the season--from religious Christmas cards to story cards. Personally, I don't send out newsletters. I figure if you read my blog, you're already tired of hearing about us/me. But I do enjoy getting newsletters from my non-blogging friends. That said, I have to admit a fondness for Shutterfly's story cards. They're really cute. You can easily fill in a few of your exciting yearly events without writing an autobiography.

I also really like that some of the card designs allow for multiple pictures. I hope **HOPE** to get a family picture taken this season, but I can't guarantee that it will actually happen. If I don't, I like that there are card designs that I could easily put an individual picture of each of my children.

I've printed my snapshots at Shutterfly before and I've been happy with the quality. The colors are highly saturated and the paper is good. I always get my prints delivered so quickly too.

It really isn't too early to think about Christmas cards. Right now, Shutterfly is offering 20% off all holiday cards. Don't miss out on that deal.

**For posting my honest opinion about Shutterfly Holiday cards, I will get 50 free cards from Shutterfly. Look for one in the mail from me this Christmas season. No other compensation was given.


  1. Part of that means that you take a family PHOTO!

  2. Sooo funny - I have a Shutterfly post up today, too! :)
