Monday, June 14, 2010

The Meanest Mom

According to Neal, I am the meanest mom in the world for imposing time limits and restrictions on Wii play. I'm willing to bet that I'm not the only mom that does this and I'm curious to hear your rules regarding video games and your kids. Neal and I have a little bet going, so please don't let me down. Thanks.


  1. Bwahahahaha!
    Did you see my comment on the original post about getting the Wii? Even my kids friends think I'm mean. lol
    Check there. If you want more details on our mass restrictions, I'm happy to provide. :)

  2. Our kids get 30-60 minutes a day ... and that's if they earn it by getting their jobs done, exercise in, fresh air obtained, piano practiced, reading done, and are nice and pleasant to us and each other. :)

    And we're happy to be in good company as fellow "meanest parents in the world." :)

  3. We don't have one yet, the kids still haven't earned it, but we've already started instilling in them that it won't be available to them all the time and DEFINITELY dependent on attitude, chores, etc.

  4. My kids only get to play on weekends.(Friday and Saturday) Of course, they have a big job they have to do Saturday before they can play and they usually drag it out so that they only get an hour or two on Saturday. They seem to think this is very unfair as they are out of school, but I tend to be very unfair.

  5. We don't have a limit...but that is simply because it has never been an issue. My kids would rather be outside then playing the wii. On another my husband a gaming time limit might be a whole different story ;) We do like to play the wii as a family on Sundays though. I know alot of people don't allow gaming on Sundays, but this is something that since we don't usually play on the weekdays, we think of it as family togetherness on Sundays!

  6. When our Wii was working... They were only allowed to play on Friday afternoons and Saturdays. If someone was over on Sunday then maybe or if it was a holiday. During the summer I assigned time limits by how much reading, practicing piano and how much they had played outside. We are MEAN too.

  7. My kids are still toddlers but they are very computer literate and would love to play on their 'kiddy' websites ALL day if they could.

    All though they're so young, I give them rules. A clean room and nice manners are always rewarded play time.

  8. My children get 15 minutes a day if their chores and school work are done. In the summer, they can play every day (again after chores and school work), but during the school year since everyone is so busy, we save up the time and they only play on Fridays and Saturdays. Good Luck!
