Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Disney on Ice - Out and About in Utah

I saw an ad for Disney on Ice in January and I set it aside. I knew Amberly would love it but I wasn't sure I could really justify the cost. The ad was still sitting on my desk a few weeks later when my sister called to say that she had won eight tickets to the show at a Super Bowl party. She invited Amberly, Lilly and me to join her and her oldest daughter. She also invited my sister-in-law and her two girls. We were so excited and marked the date on our calendar. (Amberly was a little disappointed initially because she misunderstood and thought that we were going to Disneyland, but she got over it quickly.)

The big day finally arrived. I curled Amberly and Lilly's hair and we left the minute Amberly got home from school. I promised Amberly a new dress so we stopped at Target before meeting at my sister's home in Bountiful. My sister made us a delicious dinner so that we wouldn't be hungry and tempted to buy outrageously over-priced concession food. After dinner, our pink group loaded in the cars. Amberly and her cousin K giggled all the way.

We had great seats on the tenth row. The tickets weren't all next to each other but the kind and helpful usher talked the people who would be sitting between our groups to scoot over so that we could all sit together. The girls were excited and possibly a bit overwhelmed. We watched as other paid seriously ridiculous prices for cotton candy and flavored ice ($12 and another $1 for the spoon). Thankfully, my girls heeded my earlier warning and didn't even ask.

Lilly was especially excited when she saw Minnie Mouse--her favorite. The show--which featured Minnie and Mickey Mouse and friends; Cars; Little Mermaid; Lion King and Tinker Bell--was very entertaining and the skating was good and sometimes even great. Tinker Bell is from Utah. Actually, the actress/skater (BreAnn Brown) playing Tinker Bell is from Utah. Which is cool. The kids know the stories, characters and music already so it makes it especially fun and magical to see it again on ice. Everything Disney does is magical.

We had a great time. We're so grateful that my sister Aunt A invited us to go and that she shared her pictures.


  1. Sounds like a very fun time. And so fun to spend it with 'the girls'. We went to Disney on Ice for Alyson's birthday one year. Must have been 20-25 years ago. It was a wonderful evening.

  2. Looks like fun
    I enjoyed Disney On Ice when I was younger too. The girls must have had so much fun
