Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The New Year with Old Friends

We've been able to spend time this new year with our old (old as in we've known them for awhile) friends.

On New Year's Day, Utah Dad watched the kids for the afternoon while I went to lunch with Mandi and Marie. I've known them since my freshman year at BYU. Marie lived in the apartment next door and Mandi moved into my apartment in January of that year. They are both beautiful, funny and brilliant. Whenever Mandi comes to town (every six months or so) we try to get together. Our schedules were so crazy this holiday season we had trouble planning a visit. We had to convince Mandi to stay longer. I'm so glad she did.

We met at our usual meeting place of Mimi's Cafe and even sat at our usual table. We had a great visit. We got to talk about kids, families, books, work, church and all the things that annoy us. We've known each other so long that we're able to let our hair down and be ourselves.

I've been debating about posting this picture.  The nerve damage from Bells Palsy looks very obvious in this one. I rarely post pictures of myself, but I like this picture of the three of us together.

On Sunday after church, the entire family drove to Heber to visit with some of our friends from New Hampshire. The Kanes were our dearest friends while we lived there. They were surrogate parents. They made us feel welcome and they fed us lots of food.

Two of their daughters have settled in Heber and the Kanes came to Utah to spend the holidays with their girls. Heather was once one of my Beehives. Now she is all grown up. She's married and teaches at a private school in Park City. She's now the Laurel advisor in her ward. She has a lovely home and was gracious enough to allow my noisy crew to come visit.

We had a wonderful visit with the Kanes, the Winterton and the Ansteads. Sue cooked a delicious meal. She is one of the best cooks I have ever known. Her food defines "comfort food". Being with the Kanes is comforting, warm, like coming home to a big hug.

It was a wonderful way to end the holidays and start the new year.


  1. Love the picture! I didn't know you had Bell's Palsy! Well, it isn't obvious, so don't worry. :) Tell Marie hi from me! I miss her.

    Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday. Hope you have an amazing 2010!

  2. I also love the picture! Hanging out with cherished friends is so great! Sounds like you've had a wonderful holiday season, from what I've read in this and previous posts! I hope that you have a wonderful new year as well!

  3. You look great! What a nice start to the new year.

  4. You are beautiful, as always! How fun to spend time with friends :)

  5. You guys all look great - I wish I were there in that booth with you reminiscing about the good old days! Actually I am planning on being in Salt Lake in August so I hope we'll get a chance to get together then.
