Thursday, December 17, 2009

Clam Chowder for Dinner

Utah Dad and I love clam chowder. I know. Really. Even though we live in Utah--no where near clams. We love it anyway. While we lived in New Hampshire we ate it a lot. We ordered it nearly every time we ate out. We once ate clam chowder for lunch in Boston and later that evening had a bowl for dinner in San Francisco all while trying to get home to Utah (that was a long day).

I've tried so many different clam chowder recipes over the years. Some have been good. Others not so good. Then last year we got the really cool 9th Ward Cook Book and there was a recipe for chowder by our friend Rheanna. She had lived in Maine. Her husband was from Maine. Utah Dad insisted that it would be good (Mainers KNOW clam chowder). So, we tried it.

It was delicious. And easy. And unlike some clam chowder recipes that call for cream, I can keep all the ingredients in my pantry so that I can make it whenever I feel like it (those cold, homesick for NH type of days).

I've adapted the recipe a little to make it more our style and here it is (mostly Rheanna's--I hope she doesn't mind if I share it).

Clam Chowder

* Peel and chop some potatoes (I usually use about 10 medium size potatoes). Put the potatoes in a big pot and just cover with water. Put them on the stove to boil.
* Chop and sautee an onion in butter (or olive oil). I use butter because I like butter. :) When the onions are nice and transparent throw them in with the potatoes.
* Cook the potatoes until they are nice and soft. I hate to bite into an undercooked potato in my soup. Yuck.
* Add 3-4 cans of chopped or minced clams and the juice (whatever kind your husband happened to buy in the store. Sometimes we use both kinds. And because we're in Utah we use canned clams. Obviously.)
* Now pour in one can of evaporated milk. You might need two cans if you like it thinner. (Do not let it boil after adding the milk.)
* Salt and pepper to taste.
* I add some butter. Because I like butter. (Did I mention that already?) And because the clam chowder at Newick's in Dover, NH always had melted butter floating on top.

We had it for dinner last night. With scones. I had more for lunch today. Mmmm. So so very good.


  1. Awww! I feel special that you love it enough to share it, that's what recipes are for! Plus, it made me want to make some, I haven't for a while...yum!

  2. Mmmmm. You are making me hungry. I had some at Zupa's yesterday and it was great. This looks like an easy recipe for a "never-made-chowder-before-in-my-life" kind of person like me. Thanks Cindi and Rheanna!

  3. I was just thinking that I would make clam chowder for Christmas Eve dinner because we usually do soup and I am not in the mood for homemade chicken noodle this year. I know Grant will hate it because he hates potatoes, but oh well. What kid hates potatoes??!
