Thursday, October 22, 2009

"What the Bayou Saw" -- Book Review and Give-away

Over the past six months I've received three books to read and review. The first book had potential but also included several things that I found offensive and so I'm sure most of you would too. The second book was frequently compared to Twilight and if you know me at all, you know that I didn't care too much for Twilight. This other book was definitely in the same genre as Twilight and I ended up appreciating Twilight so much more (that's saying A LOT)--but that's a post for another time.

So, by the time What the Bayou Saw arrived in my mailbox, I really wanted to like it. Thankfully, it didn't disappoint me.

Patti Lacy, the author of What the Bayou Saw is fairly new to the writing of fiction. She published her first book, An Irishwoman's Tale, last year. While I occasionally found myself tripping over extra words in her second book, Lacy is an expert story teller and as the plot gains momentum the writing improves and finally begins to disappear within the tale.

In What the Bayou Saw, Lacy weaves a story about Sally, a middle-aged college instructor living with her family in Normal, Illinois. Sally is your typical woman, concerned with her weight and worried about her relationships with her family members, but is in no way a static, flat character. She is deep and real and reminded me of many women that have touched my own life.

While Sally seems in control of her life and "normal", she is actually hiding dark secrets from her childhood spent in Louisiana during the 1960s. However, an act of violence against one of Sally's students, causes her to face the truth of her past; repair a damaged friendship and find healing in her own life.

Ultimately, Patti Lacy tells a contemporary story that handles hot topics such as racism, sexual abuse, middle age, marriage, Christianity, repentance and redemption with an honesty and integrity that is rare in literature today.

I enjoyed it and think you will too so I want to share it with all of you. I planned to give away the copy that the publishers had originally sent me but, well, I liked it. I am a bit of a "book hoarder" (as Utah Dad calls me) and besides that, the book experienced some minor water damage from an overzealous two-year old and her sippy cup. So, I contacted the publishers and they were so sweet to send me another copy so that I can give one away to one of you.

To win a free copy of What the Bayou Saw leave a comment on this post and for an extra chance do one or more of the following:

1. Become a follower of Utah Mom's Life Blog.
2. Add the Utah Mom's Life Blog Button to your blog.
3. Write a post about this give-away on your own blog or Facebook or just tell a friend if you're old fashioned and still communicate with people face-to-face (then come back and leave another comment so I know).

Good luck. The winner of What the Bayou Saw will be announced on Friday, October 30th.


  1. Already have a link on my blog.

  2. I'm always looking for new books to read!

  3. This sounds like quite a good read. Please enter me. Thanks.

  4. Pick me! Pick me! (Though I know you do this very randomly.) I am a follower too. :)

  5. Okay--I am always up for another book! Will also post your button on my blog.

  6. I like to win stuff! Pick me! :)

  7. P.S. Krafty is me! Michelle M. It was the only gmail email address I could think of and I didn't know if it would let me use hotmail. hehe, I'm STILL getting to know blogger!

  8. Please throw my name in the hat. You know me and books - love 'em!

  9. You know me...I'm always game for a new book! Also, I'm curious as to what book gave you a new appreciation for Twilight. That must be some book! Don't keep me in suspense too long!

  10. HI! I am a follower, I have your button on my blog and I will facebook about it! Thanks. It looks like a good book :)

  11. If you liked it, then I am interested!

  12. I need something new and exciting to read, so count me in. I am a follower and I added a link on my blog!

  13. need some new reading material! sounds like a good one
