Friday, October 2, 2009

Halloween Blocks Give-away

The temperatures are chilly. The air is crisp. The pumpkins are on my front porch. The kids are finally thinking about what they want to be for Halloween. Yes, it's October.

To celebrate, I am giving away these adorable Halloween Word Blocks from

You can enter to win by:

1. Check out Vinyl Lettering Decor. Then come back to Utah Mom's Life Blog and leave a comment about the awesome products at Vinyl Lettering Decor.
2. Become a follower of Utah Mom's Life Blog.
3. Tell your friends about Utah Mom's Life Blog on your blog or Facebook or Twitter or whatever other ways you use to get the word out. Back in the day, we used the phone but then we really didn't have all the awesome give-aways on blogs, either.

The winner will be announced on Friday, October 9, 2009. Good luck. By the way, this give-away is only open to residents in the US/Canada.


KMJ said...

Awesome vinyl lettering site!!!

Randi A. said...

I love vinyl lettering. Thanks for the intro to them.

Randi A. said...

Oh and I follow. :)

Heather said...

Love vinyl lettering and love their cute products...especially these blocks!


Mandy said...

Vinyl Lettering Rocks!

Jen said...

What a fun site! I love the giveaway. I like also how you can customize whatever you want through them. I am a follower!

Ashley said...

Good ideas! I am always nervous to put the letters on my wall, but the blocks are a great idea - love the name blocks!

Ashley said...

I am a follower now!

Kerri said...

I love vinyl lettering:)

Kerri said...

Already a follower and have your link on my blog:))

Anonymous said...

I love their vinyl- wow- and those halloween blocks would be perfect in my house! Thanks- first timer on your blog!

budandlissa said...

The customization page is great! I wish they had brown as an option for colors though. I also like the different quotes and ideas.

Heather said...

I love the Vinyl Lettering, and they have cute ideas and some neat phrases. :) (and of course I am a follower. wink wink ;)

Semi Granola Mom said...

The name board kits rock, they would make perfect christmas gifts :)
I will facebook ya for an extra entry!

Thanks ~ C

Anonymous said...

Love the Vinyl Lettering page - such neat phrases to use in the home. Glad I stumbled upon it. I'll add you to my blog list :-)

Jenni S said...

Oh, vinyl lettering is such a great invention! I've loved it forever and still do. I really like the ideas they have. SO CUTE!!! I really need to win these, I am very low on Halloween decorations. Good luck to me! :)