Monday, January 24, 2011

Jenny Phillips Music - Review and Give-away

In January, our ward switched to the one o'clock church schedule. I'm sure at least a third of the LDS population in Utah can feel my pain. It's just such a rough time. What do you do with the time in the morning?

We tend to sleep in, eat a leisurely breakfast and then spend the rest of the time bathing kids, dressing and styling hair. Do you eat again before church? This is the tough question, because if I let Molly eat again it will mean that I will have to bathe and dress her a second time before we can actually go to church. If I don't let them eat, the kids are tired, grumpy and generally more unpleasant than usual. When we get home from church there is just enough time to eat a quick dinner, read scriptures, pray and go to bed. So much for visiting with extended family on Sunday afternoons.

However, I haven't exactly been happy with this plan. It seems that we are wasting the day and not feeling the spirit much in the house. Yesterday morning, we did some of the one-on-one interviews with the children before church. I also turned on the inspirational music earlier. We usually listen to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir but I had recently received Jenny Phillips's newest CD for Primary children so we listened to that instead.

It is titled "I Know the Scriptures are True" and goes along with the Primary theme for the year 2011. Jenny Phillips is well known in the LDS music industry and continues to produce beautiful and inspirational music. Her music invited peace and the spirit into our home. I was surprised how in tune my children were to the music. In fact, the final song on the CD is "Search, Ponder and Pray" which the kids have been learning during Primary. Thomas and Lilly both did the sign language that they could remember and sung along with the music.

"I Know the Scriptures are True" by Jenny Phillips is really a valuable asset in our home and can be in yours too. Jenny Phillips will no longer sell her music in stores. She wants to spend more time with her children, so while she will continue to produce music, it will only be available from her website. This change, while it will hopefully benefit her family will also help yours. Her music will now be offered at significantly lower prices. Jenny Phillips wanted to make this CD available to as many Primary children as possible, so it is also available in packs of 20, for just $1.99 each.

Jenny Phillips has also, very generously, made two copies of
"I Know the Scriptures are True" available for a
give-away to two of my lucky readers.

Two readers will be chosen randomly from the comments left on this post. The rules are simple.

1. Become a follower of Utah Mom's Life Blog, if you're not already one.
2. Leave a comment on this post telling me that you . . .
3. "Like" Jenny Phillips Music on Facebook.

The contest will be open until Thursday, January 27th at 11:59 pm MST. The winners will be announced on Friday morning. This contest is available to US residents only.


  1. I follow you and like Jenny on facebook! I'd sure love to have this for sunday afternoons here.
    familyroom2 at gmail dot com

  2. I follow, I'm not on Facebook but I did join her email list. Her music is great!

  3. I follow your blog :) AND I just liked her facebook page.
    Fun giveaway!

  4. I'm a follower, and I have liked Jenny on facebook. Great giveaway!

  5. Hey we have been having FHE and family councils. It is great.. Also I follow you.
