Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I Love Red Vines

I'm not sure how Molly managed to get her hands on so many Red Vines last night in the car but she definitely enjoyed them.

P.S. I love Red Vines too and I also love the built-in car seats in my minivan.


  1. Holy cow! I didn't realize how messy those things can get! She's a cutie!

  2. a) Yummilicious!

    b) I love those built in car seats, too. Those are cool.

  3. I love Red Vines too! I ADORE my built in car seat! I her red, sticky mess....at the same time, glad I didn't have to clean her up :o) Too cute!

  4. Wow...nice pics!

    This is Mike Kelly with American Licorice Co., makers of Red Vines.

    Check out this new site we just launched this morning called the Red Vines "World of Sharing."


    We're trying to start a chain reaction of positive energy around the globe.

    Cheers, MK
