Tuesday, October 6, 2009

179th Semi-annual General Conference

General Conference weekends are typically some of my favorite times of the year. We usually pack up the kids and spend the weekend at my husband's parents' home in Emigration Canyon. We lounge around in our jammies, eat great food, visit with other members of the family who congregate, and of course watch General Conference on the big screen. This year my children had very runny, gross boogers (seriously, they are sick again!) so we decided that we better stay home. We watched conference on the computer in our loft, snuggling under blankets and wondering what happened to fall. My husband did join his dad, brothers and nephews for the Priesthood session and their traditional ice cream party. And he brought home left over stuff to make our traditional Reuben sandwiches. My mouth was happy.

Even though it didn't go exactly as planned, I still enjoyed conference weekend. Elder Holland has long been one of my favorite speakers and I have enjoyed his book Broken Things to Mend which is a compilation of some of his great talks. I think we all agree that he definitely did not disappoint this year. His testimony of the Book of Mormon was awesome and powerful and I'm anxious to watch it again (hopefully by Thursday).

We're all excited for the announcement of five new temples. My kids are already talking about attending the open house for the temple in Brigham City. Sister Dibb is just so cute. Her delivery was just like her father's and I loved it! My children are anxious to start their own jar of warm fuzzies and if it helps them be kinder to each other, I'm all for it. I'm thankful for all the reminders to love more and serve more. I am grateful for the optimistic messages in a troubling time. The musical numbers by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir were beautiful and moving.

Toward the end of the Sunday afternoon session, I start to feel a little like I do the day after Christmas. I'm sad that it's over and I'm already anxious for the April Conference. We are so so blessed to have living prophets and apostles speak to us and deliver God's message. I am grateful, rejuvenated and anxious to work at becoming a better mother, wife and friend.


  1. Elder Hollands talk is one that I can't get out of my mind! I loved it and it was so powerful! I missed a few talks I am going to go back and watch. It was a great conference :)

  2. We all liked the idea of the warm fuzzies too. It was such a cute idea!
