Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Massage Envy - Review and Give-away

Sunday morning I woke up with shooting pain in my neck. I couldn't turn my head to the left without intense pain. Utah Dad said I was just being "stiff necked". The pain continued and by Monday my shoulders and back were hurting too. So, it was timely that Massage Envy wanted me to come try them out.

I called for an appointment yesterday afternoon and had one scheduled for last night. I didn't know Massage Envy was open so late. It was very convenient to be able to help Utah Dad get the kids in bed before heading out for a massage.

I can count the number of professional massages I've had on one hand. The first one was in the hospital after I delivered Neal. It was standard in that NH hospital that all mothers received a massage the day after delivery. Ahh. Heaven. Five years ago for Christmas, Utah Dad gave me a gift card to a shwanky spa in the avenues of Salt Lake City. A year later, I used half the gift card for a fabulous massage. I still haven't used the other half. As a mom, it's just hard to schedule in that time.

However, as the folks at Massage Envy pointed out last night, massages are not just a luxurious, relaxing indulgence (as I have always thought of them) but they also promote good health and wellness. In fact, Massage Envy is less the spa experience and more a health conscience experience. The massage, though, was just as good. Fabulous, in fact. I feel 98% better this morning.

According to the Mayo Clinic, some studies have found massage helpful for:

o Stress relief
o Managing anxiety and depression
o Pain
o Stiffness
o Blood pressure control
o Sports-related injuries
o Boosting immunity
o Cancer treatment

According to

o A 2008 review of 13 clinical trials found evidence that massage might be useful for chronic low-back pain. Clinical practice guidelines issued in 2007 by the American Pain Society and the American College of Physicians recommend that physicians consider using certain CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) therapies, including massage (as well as acupuncture, chiropractic, progressive relaxation, and yoga), when patients with chronic low-back pain do not respond to conventional treatment.

o A multisite study of more than 300 hospice patients with advanced cancer concluded that massage may help to relieve pain and improve mood for these patients.

o A study of 64 patients with chronic neck pain found that therapeutic massage was more beneficial than a self-care book, in terms of improving function and relieving symptoms.

And if you are still trying to find the perfect, last-minute gift for someone on your list (think mother-in-law), gift cards for massages are just right! Massage Envy has locations in 43 states. I was delighted to find out there's one not really that far away from me.

The only thing better than a really great massage is a FREE really great massage.

Massage Envy is offering five one-hour massage gift cards to give-away to five of my wonderful, lucky readers.

Here's the deal:

Four of the winners will be chosen randomly from the comments on this post. The fifth gift certificate will be given to the person who can refer the most people to Utah Mom's Life Blog. I don't care how you do it. Facebook. Blog about it. Call everyone you know. Get them to mention your name in their comment on this post. If you get the most referrals, you'll win a free massage. Good deal.

To win:
1. You must be a follower of Utah Mom's Life Blog.
2. Leave a comment on this post.
3. Don't forget to mention the person that referred you.

The contest will be open until Sunday, December 19th at 11:59 pm MST. The winner will be announced on Monday morning. The contest is open to residents of the US only.


Emily said...

I've had a professional massage once. It was AWESOME!

(I am a follower of your blog, so I guess I referred myself. :))

Chantele Sedgwick said...

My husband would LOVE a massage. I'm not the biggest fan of them.

I'm a follower! :) I think I referred myself as well. :)

Heather said...

Having a 16 pound 2 month old baby, a massage sounds heavenly right now. You have such a fun blog, I love being a follower!

Shilo said...

Yay for you. I'm glad you got to get out and get a massage, especially one a day when it was much needed.

Laura said...

My step-mom does professional massages. I was lucky enough to receive a couple when I visited her in July. It was heavenly-except for the 15 month old screaming, because he thought he was being ignored!

I follow your blog. I guess this means that I referred myself.

michelle said...

I'm your newest follower. I became a follower because I REALLY need a massage! So pick me. :)

(Randy of all people referred me)

Catey said...

Oh, a massage sounds so heavenly right now!
I'm a follower. :)

Kalynne said...

I would kill for a massage about now! Being 34 weeks prego is taking its toll on me! :) Randy referred me as well, but he shouldn't count towards getting a freebie massage!

Katie Stoddart said...

a massage is just what I need. Way too much stress going on over here :)

Katie Stoddart said...

Oh yeah, I am a follower too!

Jen said...

I would love this! My neck, shoulders and head have been hurting for over a YEAR! I just told my hubby last night I might need to seek help :) I am so glad you got to get a massage for FREE! Lucky you :) I blogged about this and shared the link on facebook.

Carolynn said...

Awesome...excited to follow your blog...Jen referred me!

Adam and Brynn said...

Awesome!! I would love a massage. My wonderful sister, Jen, referred me... ;)

Unknown said...

I'm a follower.

Rheanna said...

I'm a total follower and okay with that :o) I've had one professional massage in my life and it wasn't very good-I can't believe that's how all massages are!!!!!

Rebekah said...

Awesome giveaway!

rebekahricker at yahoo dot com

Kiersten said...

Oh my. I would so love to win a massage! Wow. I'm a follower of your blog, and I was referred here by



Torri P said...

Oh, i would LOVE to win this...I am a follower of your blog, didn't really get referred by anyone, just came across awhile back! :)

Annika said...

Okay, I've been told a massage works wonders for Fibromyalgia...I am TOTALLY in!

Marc and Liz Anson said...

I am a follower and could TOTALLY use a message, couldn't we all though?

Kaylnne Jensen reffered me and I KNOW that she needs one.

Annika said...

I forgot to mention that Heather ward referred me on fb. :0)

Mark2 said...

I don't know what I'd do with one but this massage thing seems to be pretty popular. I'm referred by my wife Michelle.

Stine said...

I think I could find some time for that... :)

Angilyn said...

I'm a new follower and was referred by Annika Paxman. Thanks for a chance to win!

Russ and Kristen said...

Jen over at Baby Blvd sent me!!! I've only had one massage in my life and it was! p.s. I wish my hospital gave massages to new moms after birthing a baby! How awesome!

Nicole said...

I think Jen really wants to win! But who can blame her with such a great prize! Thanks!

Melissa Ash said...

I'm a new follower and Jen referred me, too! I would LOVE a massage! lissa_ash2004 at yahoo dot com. (PS, My mother in law had them while she was terminally ill with cancer, and they always brought such joy to her! So, that fact was so true!!)

LivingstonClan said...

Wow--a massage sounds REALLY nice right about now!! (ode to Christmas stress!) And great that they are open late--because like you, I enjoy it a little more if I know my husbands not at home cursing my name while I am enjoying my luxurious massage. ;) And Annika Paxman is who referred me!

Kerri said...

Okay I'd love to give my sister in laws these. I'm a total follower:) Love ya!

Ryan and Alicia said...

Sign me up for the massage contest please. Jen Johnson referred me to your fabulous website. Thanks Jen!

Lindsay said...

This is great! I follow your blog! Jen Johnson referred me to your blog. Thanks!

Kierston said...

A message would be wonderful. Kalynne referred me.

Laurie said...
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Laurie said...

Would LOVE to win! Say on Rheanna's blog!

Tara L. said...

Awesome! I would love to win!

Heather said...

Love to win one of these for my or for my hubby

I'm a follower so I guess I referred myself..hee hee hee


Jandi said...

Can I say I refered myself? Or, at least, Google reader refered me?

Heidi said...

I'm a follower and I would love a massage especially after this sickness that myself and the kids have had. I'll get the word out!
Thanks! :)

aLi said...

ahem, Kalynne referred me here.
I hope she can win based on referrals.
I hope I can win because I am due the exact same date as her...
I would also love a massage!!! I almost scheduled one last week with Massage Envy but of course being a mom, I have put it off. I am now a follower! Exciting!

Kalynne Brain Surgery said...

I am Kalynne Jensen's mother and she referred me. I also have a problem being "stiff necked". I could really use a good massage right now. I am far away from Kalynne and I hope she gets the massage!

07Nielsens said...

Love massages, kalynn referred me, brand new follower.

johnandjana said...

follow your blog and Lindsay referred me...thanks for the opportunity to win this.

Unknown said...

I am out in TN so I can't get the gift certificate but my friend Rheanna Dow totally deserves the massage so I wanted to leave her name as the person who referred me to your blog.

Susan G. said...

Love a great massage. Jen Johnson referred me. Fun blog! susan gedge at gmail dot com

BrightFam said...

I'm a new follower from Mormon Mommy Blog community. GFC Brightfam casherie at hotmail dot com

mikey and kimby said...

I'm a follower.

Marion said...

I LOVE this give away! Nothing like a good massage.

KMJ said...

I am a follower!

KMJ said...

Kerri is my sister in law!

KMJ said...

I ADORE massages, but Kerri is not comfortable with them, so I would be surprised if she entered this one!

The Smiths said...

You are awesome for giving away free massages. My sister in law, MARION CLINE, would love to get one!!! :)

Teresa said...

Yeah! I can't pass up a chance to win a free massage. (Especially from a place with late hours.) I'm a believer that massages can be very beneficial to overall health.
I got to your blog from an email you sent out. And someone has to say this: I will be filled with "Massage Envy" if I don't win!

Diana said...

I'm definitely a fan of Massage Envy. My sister in law Marion Cline deserves a good massage.

The Lukes of Hazzard said...

I love your blog ...... And I loved massages !!!!

Kevin & Rhiannon said...

Hi Cindi! Never had a massage, in fact the idea of them makes me a little nervous. But so do haircuts for that matter! But I've always wanted to try one. :) I follow your blog, of course!

Heather Vincent said...

I used to work at the Utah College of Massage Therapy...I MISS the massages.
I found your blog through Baby BLVD's blog.

Heather Vincent said...

And, I "Follow" your blog.

joyce said...

Wow, it sounds awesome, Marion Cline referred me. And if you know Marion she can spread the word, especially when it is something so amazing as a free massage.

Momnerd said...

Wow, lots of comments!! I NEED to win this!! lol, no really, I've had a lot of back pain so this would be soooo nice.....btw, did you contact them?

Nicole Palmer said...

I'm a new follower, I was referred by Kalynne Jensen. My body has been begging for a massage, what a great giveaway. I hope I win :)


Mar and Koki said...
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Koki said...

Awesome...Marion referred me

Marion said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melissa said...

I'm a follower, but I somehow missed this giveaway until MARION mentioned it .... so thanks Mar! I'd love a massage.

Yvonne said...

I decided a while ago never to be a follower of any blog. Well, I have changed my mind. I love reading your blog; and I am now an official follower. I saw Michelle post about this give away, I will give her the referring credit.

Belinda S. Han said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chelsea said...

yay for giveaways! Marion referred me!

Vernetta said...

An active Mom like Marion surely
deserves a massage...I love massges.

Marion Cline referred me...

Tiffany said...

Annika referred me :) I want slash that NEED to win!!

Irene said...

Love massages!

Marion referred me

Gabe said...

Choose my aunt, she is the best babysitter!

Marion referred me.

Hyrum said...

My sister-n-law loves giveaways and massages!

Marion referred me

Unknown said...

Nothing like a relaxing massage to work the stress out

Marion referred me holla

Anonymous said...

Jen referred me & I'll do anything for Jen! Plus, who couldn't use a good massage?!

Taggart Photography said...

Ooh! I'll keep my fingers (and toes and anything else that might cross) crossed! (Then I'll really need a massage!) :)

Jen Johnson referred me!

Jasen said...

I sure love massages but my sister Marion Cline loves them more! Thanks for referring me SIS and good luck!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love a good massage especially by a profession with good, strong hands that work your every muscle. Love it, love it, love it!!

Thanks Marion Cline for your referral!


Anonymous said...

I can have a massage 3x a day and it wouldn't be enough for me. Everyone needs a massage!! Thanks Marion Cline for telling me about this.


T-ROY said...

I would love a free massage!
Jen referred me. Thanks for the chance.

Rick said...

Jen referred me to your giveaway. This would be a great prize to win.
Thank you.

Le Ann said...

My fabulous daughter referred me!!
Boy could I use it!!!


Andrea Whidden said...

Cool blog, Jen Johnson referred me:)

Jaynie said...

Jen Johnson referred me!

RosiesRoses said...

Referred by Marion Cline! She deserves a free massage!

Sam said...

Referred by Marion Cline. Massages are awesome! Thank you and good luck!

Unknown said...

Referred by Marion Cline. Massage a day keeps the doctor away. I just made that up and you can quote me for free. said...

Marion Cline referred me!

marcie said...

Marion Cline referred me! One of the best I had was a cranium massage. A great tension reliever!

CassiLou said...

Marion Cline Referred Me. Massages are the best thing to get ones balance back in life.

Anonymous said...

Marion Cline referred me.

Anonymous said...

Marion Cline referred me.

Chels said...

I was referred by Kalynne Jensen! Her and her prego belly deserve a free massage!

Kathryn said...

I am a follower!

Kathryn said...

I have never had a massage, but would love one!

Mrs. Hacking said...

I'd love to win one of these.

Unknown said...

My mom would love one of these

tufui taukeiaho said...

loving the blog

Jackie Momoli said...

Marion Cline deserves a free massage because she is my niece and promised to take me too.

PHIL C. said...

AWESOME way to gain new followers! Everybody loves massages...especially my sis-in-law

marion referred me

Anonymous said...

Sounds GREAT!! Marion Cline needs a massage! Me too! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Marion referred me...and I'm referring her for the massage!

Anonymous said...

A massage sounds great! Thanks Marion Cline for telling me about it!

Caroline C. Bingham said...

I want to win! I'm a follower, and I'm here from blogfrog!


Kellie & Cody said...

Marion Cline sent me this way! She deserves to win!!!

Anonymous said...

Stress has always been my mortal enemy for so many years now. It's like I never want to wake up each morning for stress already ruins my day. Spas or massages are great help but only for a short period of time. Then my friend discovered this ThetahealingThetahealing procedures will make your life brighter and you will feel more comfortable. That's why we tried it and we really enjoyed it! Thetahealing made my life great again.