Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sandra Boynton Book/Music Review and Give-away

They finally finished the road behind our house and Utah Dad insists that we get curtains for our kitchen window as soon as possible. He's especially concerned that our lovely neighbors might get a glimpse of me dancing in the kitchen. I love to dance but I am not very good at it. Seriously, grace and coordination are not two of my strengths. Unfortunately for Utah Dad, that doesn't stop me from dancing. He's mortified.

When Neal and Amberly were very small, I discovered a book and CD collection called Philadelphia Chickens by Sandra Boynton. Unlike most music for children, these songs had clever and humorous lyrics put to fabulous music performed by artists like Kevin Bacon, Laura Linney and Meryl Streep. It is music that makes you want to get up and dance--swing dance. I grab the kids and swing them around and we have a great time (I burn a few calories too). My new dance partners--Thomas and Lilly--also love it .  The Philadelphia Chickens CD includes nearly twenty songs that make you want to boogie. My personal favorite is a love ballad to the hard-to-reach chocolate chip cookies.

A few years after we found Philadelphia Chickens, I was delighted to see Sandra Boynton's  Dog Train at my local book store. Dog Train is an equally fabulous collection of songs dedicated to rock and roll. The songs are performed by actual bands that parents will recognize, like Hootie and the Blowfish and Five for Fighting. If it was possible to love a CD more than we loved Philadelphia ChickensDog Train was it. We rock out together to "Tantrum"  and "Penguin Lament". We listen to it in the car. We sing along. We all, including Utah Dad, know all the words. Sandra Boynton understands children and the way they think. If you don't believe me, listen to her songs "Broccoli" and "I Need a Nap". You'll be convinced.

More recently Sandra Boynton has written and published Blue Moo: Jukebox Hits from Way Back. We don't have that one--yet. Hmmm. Christmas is coming. "One Shoe Blues", a single from Blue Moo performed by the legendary B.B. King is the inspiration for Boynton's latest book and her first movie short.

Workman Publishing, who publishes all of Sandra Boynton's books, sent me a copy of One Shoe Blues, which includes the storybook, song, and a DVD with the musical movie short this week. My children and I have already enjoyed it several times. They also sent me two more copies to give away to you. Christmas is coming. I know you or a special child would love one. It would make a great stocking stuffer.

To win a copy of One Shoe Blues by Sandra Boynton leave a comment on this post. To earn additional chances to win do one or more of the following:

1.  Become a follower of Utah Mom's Life Blog.
2.  Add the Utah Mom's Life Button to your blog.
3.  Post about this give-away on your blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Be sure to come back and leave an additional comment on this post for each thing that you do.

The contest will be closed to entries at 11:59 pm on Thursday, December 10th. The winners (there will be two) will be announced on Friday, December 11th some time in the morning--after I get the kids off to school and feed Utah Dad and the others their breakfast and maybe get dressed (but probably not).


Brimhalls said...

Pick me! I love Sandra Boynton. My mom loves her too, so I will have to decide whether to be selfish or give it to her for Christmas. Thanks for doing such fun giveaways!

Katie Stoddart said...

OHHHHH!I want to win!! I love Sandra Boynton!!

Kevin & Rhiannon said...

Sounds fun! Someday I'll win...

mandy said...

this sounds great! i love sandra boynton's books, so funny

Wendy said...

I'd love to win too. Pick me. Thanks.

Connie Manwaring said...

What a fun idea. We have several Sandra Boynton books and read them regularly. Never heard songs from her before though ...


kanewoman said...

Oh please pick me! I LOVE the Philadelphia Chickens, and you know I love to dance with the grandkids. Great giveaway!

Rheanna said...

I've never read a Sandra Boynton book, but they look great, so I'd love to win and try them out.

anna said...

We always want new books. And we love Sandra Boynton. I think we are on our third copy of Moo, Baa, Lalala - because that one gets loved to death!

mandy said...

i follow your blog!

Catey said...

We love Philadelphia Chickens and so many of her other books, we'd love to add to our collection!

PJ & SANDRA said...

Hola!... I have heard a lot of really good things about the books and music.

Jenni S said...

How fun! Sounds like a good one. We enjoy dancing around like crazy people too. :)

jklmnweber said...

hi. We would love the chance to win! crossing my fingers!

Torri P said...

This looks very fun! I would love to win!

Torri P said...

I am a follower!

Tara L. said...

Fun, I am a follower!

Marie said...

I love Chickens!

Kerri said...

Pick me ! We love her music!

Kerri said...

I'm a follower!

Kerri said...

I have a link on my blog!

Marcus, Angie & Bug said...

k add me in the drawing!

KMJ said...

I'm a follower!

KMJ said...

I put the article on my FB page!

KMJ said...

I am Rebecca's Aunt, Kristin in Riverton! THAT should help me!

mandy said...

i've got your button!

mandydow at gmail

Jen said...

Jennifer NIchole Johnson: blog follower

Jen said...

Jennifer nichole johnson: button on my blog :)

I hope I win!

Alyson | New England Living said...

Wow! All those look awesome!

Anonymous said...

How fun!!

Anonymous said...

I am a follower

Anonymous said...

I have a link on my blog too :-)

Nick and Ashlee Weber Family said...

I'm a follower

Nick and Ashlee Weber Family said...

I have your button on my blog!

Cassie said...

I love the Sandra Boynton books...Moo, Baa, La La La is a classic!

Cassie said...

I follow!

Kristina said...

Sounds fun count me in. not sure how to put your button on my blog.

Kristina said...

I did post about it though.

Kristina said...

Got the button!

Kids Baby said...

Boynton is my favorite kids writer.
Just go a head.